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R564_G_12.00.49P Krakatau |
Friday, 06 February 2009 |
MP Krakatau based on E2Legend by Mohamed David
for Motorola E2
Info :
1. Feature E2legend
- Php loader included in fw
- Ilove3d V3 Kernel
- Intense Stereo sound
- radio without headset
- rokr revival stuff
2. AiOlangpack by Vanhieumay (credit to him)
3. On/off Kaleidoscope with Autorun manager
- if you choose to disable kaleidoscope, after restarting the phone wait about 1 minutes & kaleidoscope feature will disabled, thanks to original script maker
4. Support MPT both in kalei/non kalei, credit to 3-D (MAXXIV)
5. Skins : - Ultimate black by someone (sorry, i dont know the author)
- Vista Edition IV by Thi@go, credit to him
6. Websession data connection : Indonesia operator
7. Apmd default 208/312/416
8. Games : Tetris, Adventure island, AirHockey
9. splashscreen taken from MAXXIV MP by 3-D
10.E2Menu reordered (shortcut menu) at Voice button
11.Apps in 3 folder at office tools
-Utilities : phoneware manager, linksys, sysinfo, taskmanager, SDmanager, Skinmanager, openwith, screenshot, photorename, Endsession
-Programs : AdvMenuOrganizer, Backuptools, AdvVolEditor, LinuxFTP, JavaHS, Vrreplace, Vmemory, lightcontrol, Hidefolder2.2, pictureflow, ezxterm
-RokrRevival: AutorunManager, APMD changer, Rokrlight
12.Didn't remember again.. :D
Thanks to :
- keaglez, fich, montox, dj, andrei, paradox, huatz84, konspirasi, Abang, Pahlevy, koecrit, adlysyahmi, RasahCrigis and to ALL PEOPLE at motolovers.or.id
- Mohamed david for great MP
- all advance modder : ilove3D, 3-D, kaleidoscope developer, mati77, arctu, keaglez, vanhieumay, Taurnil, NestorMM, Av3laR, Thi@go and another people who make E2 become moddable..sorry if i forget someone.
- all motorola modder site :D
I'm not programmer, just love to mod my phone
I'm still noob, just edit & Mix all that i know based on my knowledge..
Credit to all apps, script, skin, AiOlang, revival project, kaleidoscope, kernel maker
Really sorry if i grab your masterpiece without permission..
Banten, 28 Jan 2009
Download HERE