Ivye by sktx1
Sunday, 26 November 2006

Ivye is a nice skin, but not all icons are changed, so we can call it preety much improved default look.

Motorola ROKR E2

Installation Instructions:
1. Copy the "lvye.chm" and the folder "lvye" into the root folder of your TransFlash card
2. Establish Telnet connection and type:
# cp /mmc/mmca1/lvye.chm /ezx_user/download/appwrite/setup/theme/
# mkdir /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin
NOTE: do this mkdir only if you never done it before
# mkdir /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin/lvye
# cp /mmc/mmca1/lvye/* /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin/lvye
3. Restart your Moto E2 and try it

Download HERE

Motorola ROKR E2