Windows XP4 by tulongdao
Thursday, 15 February 2007

Windows XP based skin in Chineese style. Nice graphics and small size. Stays good on the Motorola ROKR E2 screen. This skin receives a good score

Motorola ROKR E2 
* Click in order to enlarge

Install on Motorola ROKR E2:
1. Copy the "winxp4.chm" and the folder "winxp4" into the root folder of your TransFlash card
2. Establish Telnet connection and type:
# cp /mmc/mmca1/winxp4.chm /ezx_user/download/appwrite/setup/theme/
# mkdir /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin
NOTE: do this mkdir only if you never done it before
# mkdir /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin/winxp4
# cp /mmc/mmca1/winxp4/* /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin/winxp4
3. Restart your Motorola ROKR E2 and give it a try

Download HERE