Popkart by dadado231
Wednesday, 27 December 2006

It is not the idea of the skin (and the skin is not dedicated to that at all), but this skin brings us memories for super mario and other similar games. Very colorful and childhood. It may suit some young girl. Not good for business use and your Motorola ROKR E2 will definetly not look like stylish :) :) :)

Motorola ROKR E2

Download HERE

Here is how to install it on Motorola ROKR E2:
1. Copy the "Popkart.chm" and the folder "Popkart" into the root folder of your TransFlash card
2. Establish Telnet connection and type:
# cp /mmc/mmca1/Popkart.chm /ezx_user/download/appwrite/setup/theme/
# mkdir /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin
NOTE: do this mkdir only if you never done it before
# mkdir /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin/Popkart
# cp /mmc/mmca1/Popkart/* /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin/Popkart
3. Restart your Motorola ROKR E2 and enjoy the new skin